August 2021 Update

Photo – February 2021

Hello Everyone! I hope you are doing well in spite of this new spike in Covid-19 Delta Variant. Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve posted–I feel like I have gradually shifted to a New Way of Being since I wrote last but I’m still figuring out exactly what that looks and feels like. I have a new wonderful office where I see clients in-person in the Indianapolis area and since I’ve been vaccinated I ask for masks to be worn by the unvaccinated. This is working out well!  The spiritually-minded, sensitive souls who find me seem to be a 50/50 mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated.  The unvaccinated are welcome–there are so many personal reasons and choices people make and that’s what makes our country great–freedom to choose. I’m for diversity and inclusion in every way for every human! I have strict policies and cleaning protocols to keep everyone safe so no worries.

For those of you not in my area, I offer distance Reiki sessions, intuitive coaching for empaths and highly sensitive people, spiritual counseling, and angel readings too by video or phone call.  More information here. I look forward to hearing from you soon! I have openings for more clients starting the 3rd week in September, 2021!

Since 2019 I’m taking a break from performing my music but I’m also creating and sharing more of my original songs of hope and healing which are actually “Reiki-Infused Music”! I’ve always called them Folk Rock Songs For the Soul but I could say For Healing the Soul!–listening to my songs can help balance your chakras and heal deep emotional wounds as they did for me when I wrote them …with Angelic help!  I didn’t know at the time my angels and guides were inspiring my songs and that my higher self was capable of infusing Reiki and healing codes in the songs but now I know this to be true!–and now I know it’s part of my purpose to help others!

I’ll be expanding and adding more songs here and on my websites in the coming months. You can find my debut album of original songs on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and all worldwide platforms (just search Roxanne Smith. the title is A New Beginning) or better yet please buy and download them from my website:  Proceeds from my website store go to making more albums!–the angelic realm has helped me write 70 songs of hope and healing, 50 of which are copyrighted and ready to to be made into more albums. I’m excited to share them and perform them on YouTube.

Mostly I’ve been seeing clients in-person for sessions so the music will take time. But as a highly sensitive person and empath I’m always guided where to spend my energy each day. It’s exciting to see what unfolds as I trust the guidance I receive.

This past year has been a year of personal deep inner healing in ways I didn’t even know was possible.  You may relate to breaking out of the cocoon stage and you aren’t quite ready to fly ….but you can see it–over the rainbow, the brilliantly colorful future awaits you and is beckoning …but perhaps you are disoriented, not sure how to BE yet because the cocoon stage turned you to mush haha! Be Patient and Trust are the words I keep hearing and all will fall into place step by step.

I’m already feeling it as the Lions Gate energies of 8-8-21 seemed to give me a surge of energy on the 9th that I haven’t felt in a long time . I cleaned and uncluttered my garage that day lol and it wasn’t even on my To Do list.  I feel it was symbolic of being the first place I arrive and leave my house daily which tells me to clear out old debris in my life in the mornings and before bedtime to sleep better and have more energy for all the things that I want to do. Sounds great! I’m excited!

I’m hoping all of you sensitive souls out there are experiencing similar growth and expansion of your wings–through insights and inspirations and deep clearing of old wounds to clear the path to your true self and true purpose on the planet. It’s a roller-coaster ride as we follow our joy and trust that our sorrows are temporary and that more joy is just around the corner.  Our platform to take off and fly will just appear before us easily and comfortably!  I’m counting on it!–I trust and believe!

I turn 60 years old on September 9th and my family has a big celebration planned. I keep telling myself, “It’s just a number”–because it makes no sense that I am that age.  How can it be?!  I’m a kid at heart and feeling younger and healthier every year so I decided we are going to Disney for my birthday! Yay I’m ignoring the number and will keep acting the age that I feel. 38 lol. Yeah that feels right.😃

Thank you for reading and being part of this community. 

Sending you comfort, and warm healing wishes,

Roxanne 😇💖✨ 

Latest Channeled Angel Message

Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is doing well!  Sending you so much love and comfort as we continue to endure this uncertain time of ups and downs. I’ve been busy working happily with one on one with clients so I haven’t been channeling my team of 6 Archangels as much. So I am very happy to share this Channeled Angel Message that I received a while back to share for most of this year through the present time in 2021. If you are drawn to see this message at a later time then it’s message is still relevant and meant for you. This is a Message from the Archangel Realm lead by Archangel Muriel to support Empaths, Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), and Lightworkers channeled through me, Roxanne Smith.   This important group consciousness message came through as one voice from my core team of 6 Archangels to give comfort, encouragement, and guidance. The names of all of the Archangels are at the end in the signature.

Here is the Channeled Angel Message:

“Dear Sensitive Empathic Souls,

We are so happy to be communicating with you today through our dear Roxanne.  So much is turbulent in your worlds at the moment and we hear you wish for inner peace.  Please know this peaceful feeling you yearn for is around the corner as you clear out layers of pain from old wounds.  These painful feelings are overwhelming you at times but you hold onto hope that it will be short-lived.  You have always come out the other side of these things even stronger so you are hoping for the same result.  But it keeps getting harder you are saying.  

Yes we see how it appears so but actually you are just stronger to handle more of what is dense in the world and what your soul has protected you from feeling until you were strong enough not to be pulled down by it.  Don’t believe the messages that you are shedding. You are here to help the planet and you have taken human form so that you can understand the hardships others go through by experiencing it yourselves.  You have great abilities to work through and rise above any negativity so please remember this.  You are a shining light of pure love and your being gives others hope. When you feel overwhelmed then it’s time to rest and be kind to yourself.  

If you have a sanctuary to cry and grieve your hardships see this as a blessing and remember times you leaned on others because you did not understand that you have the power within you to heal yourself and stand on your own 2 feet.  It’s okay if you depend on others for some things because you are always giving—always giving your energy to help out however you can and this is an exchange of energy that is valuable.  You will feel better about your life if you have ways to be independent financially too. Be kind to yourself if you struggle with this area in life.  Remember to call on us angels for help because we cannot help you unless you ask. It is best to ask for what’s in your heart instead of money.  For example, ask for clients who are a good match for what you have to offer in the quantity that is healthy for you and for your highest good. It is best to strive for a grateful state and be in touch with your deep down desire to serve and help others to love themselves. 

We know it’s hard when you feel lonely or misunderstood or triggered when others mistreat you or put their negativity onto you unconsciously. This can leave you feeling confused and even angry about the unfair treatment but you have amazing tools to replenish that others don’t have. After a good cry and writing in your journal to get clarity about why something upset you, often you can see these feelings were someone else’s all along and were either vented onto you or you just absorbed them being around another person.  You are still learning about boundaries and grounding yourselves.  You are seeing there are many ups and downs to this life—it may seem hillier and hillier as you climb a mountain but you can take frequent breaks and look at the beauty of the mountainside that no-one else is noticing.  You get to witness and feel the miracles and communicate with love from above that others do not have access to .  

Believing there is so much more to this life is what gives you hope and your day to day thriving is such an uplifting example to others who are struggling from pain and are on antidepressants to cope. There are so many struggling and things like facebook just create illusions if you compare yourself to others.  Everyone is struggling in some way and those believing the rosy pictures of others are not seeing that  we all must feel all of our feelings in order to have a rich experience with an authentic life. Yes we must lift ourselves up to maintain our jobs and meals and sleep and homes and sometimes even this is difficult.  Be kind to yourself and rest when even the simplest tasks are difficult and do extra work on these things in preparation for unexpected hard times when things are going well.  

This ebb and flow will help you relax when you have hard feelings to work through because you know the hard times are temporary. Be loving and kind and gentle with yourselves and remember to call on us angels to soothe you and send you healing energies and uplifting insights to shift you.  We may send you numbers or songs or reminders to write in your journal to get out of your inner critic in the left side of the brain. We want to remind you that you are strong and brave to come here to help and it’s not easy to shift out of the negativity sometimes but You Can Do It! 

Some of you are grieving the loss of illusions that you had that made things easier to do with these illusions.  Now, without the illusions you are grappling with the truth and feeling a loss of motivation.  The motivation will come in a new and powerful way after you give yourself time to grieve your losses and adjust to a new way of being. A new way of being takes time and that is sometimes difficult for earth angels to accept—desires are instantaneous in the astral world so it’s a shock when you feel such obstacles.  

Planning for old age is difficult for you too as you’ve had such childlike energy and exuberant determination your whole life and suddenly your feeling that you are running out of time.  We want to reassure you that you are being helped with these things by your spirit guides and higher self as you stay open to accepting their help and ideas and insights.  Trust you are being guided to ways to care for yourself and your health and financial security. Trusted friends and loved ones are put in your path to ease your life.  Put your desires in writing and then be open to seeing things happen in your life as you strive to stay in the high vibe of love, peace, hope, and healing. 

Yes it’s a difficult world if you look at it that way or you can see the miracles and lessons people are going through in a detached way with boundaries to preserve your energy in place. Protect your energy at all times so you can shine your gifts, rest and recharge and then shine some more.  You are here to shine your light. You are here because you wanted to help. Don’t try to help until your light is recharged—find creative, joyful ways to charge up your light. Follow your hearts desire to figure out what recharges your light and fills you with joy and gratefulness to be alive on the planet. Take as long as it takes to grieve and rest if you are finding it difficult right now. 

Do the basics during hard times and know you can do all the things on your list later when you feel better. We hope these tips will help you through this tumultuous time in life with so many ups and downs. You are stronger than you know. Ask us angels for comfort and guidance 24/7—we are at your service. We leave you now with gigantic golden sparkling hugs and kisses for whenever you need them to help you on your journey.

Until next time, we send you love,

Archangels Muriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Sandalphon, Azriel, and Uriel.”

I hope you enjoyed this message and found it to be helpful and supportive. It is a great honor that I am able to receive and share these messages with all of you. I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment and/or follow this blog. Welcome to our community.

Sending you comfort, caring, and empowerment so you can heal and shine!

With Love and Light,

Roxanne 😇🙏💖✨

Mother’s Day Survival Guide–How To Cope If You Have a Narcissistic Mother

Hello Everyone, Some of you may be struggling with a Mother’s Day hangover and need some support for how to regroup, shine strong, and hopefully cope better next year. 🙏😅 Here’s a popular post from the past that may be helpful. Sending all of you comfort and healing wishes, Roxanne 😇💖✨

Hope and Healing Haven

Hi everyone.  May is approaching. It’s a big month for many.  If you have a difficult relationship with your mother, you may find yourself here, reading this, because you need support on how to cope….

If you are a mom then it may help to stay focused on the fact that this is a special day for you as a mother–my two children and my husband like to make it special which is wonderful and I look forward to spending the day with them and being the focus of their attention. My daughter’s birthday is always around Mother’s Day and our anniversary is in May so there is always alot going on.

If you are not a parent then allow yourself to be busy with all the positive things that are Spring related–even spring cleaning and decluttering to bring renewed positive energy into your home. (Distracting yourself may only…

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As You Imagine Angels Do – An Emotional Healing Poem For Sensitive Souls

Hello Everyone,

I felt drawn to share this poem with you today. I had forgotten about it and I came upon it today and felt like possibly someone out there might appreciate some hopeful, uplifting words channeled from spirit and co-created with my higher self.

Right now on the planet there is powerful, complex emotional healing and inner child grief work going on with us sensitive souls. It’s all to clear out the old so that we can level up to be more of our true selves. Give yourself permission to rest deeply and be very kind to yourself. You are sensitive for a good reason and you are stronger now to heal these new feelings of clarity coming up. You are awesome and amazing! You can do it!

For more support I’m available for Spiritual Counseling/Coaching/Reiki Sessions. Just reach out! (Email me at – website ).

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you with big hugs 💞 and big love 💖!

Sending you comfort and healing light,

Roxanne 😇💝✨


As You Imagine Angels Do

By Roxanne E. Smith

Pain so deep inside my heart.  No-one to lean on to help in part

Always thought I was due this love— A partnership gift from above

But now I see we’re all alone—on earth (but not in heaven-home)

In heaven we are all of one and love abounds and bliss a ton

But here on earth as I grow strong, more pain and truth keep coming along

And I get new clear eyes to see that loving myself is the remedy

Meanwhile terror hurts like hell.  I long to meld inside someone else

But no I must stand alone, on my brand new legs and wings now known

They are there just wobbly yet.  They are ready but I forget

The pain rears up and I retreat instead of bearing on my feet

This I’m learning ever slow.  I comfort pain with angel glow

They do love me and child within.  All is hugs and smiles and grins

I forget this love inside.  It was there in the worst of times

I didn’t know it but now I do.  Breathe and rest and center anew

Comfort the motherless child, now free to be herself so wild

And shining brightly to give hope, to others she extends a rope

A hand to hold, a shoulder too of songs and words:  “I’ve been there too!”

And you are gonna be okay—it hurts a lot to be here today

I really deeply understand, with kind eyes and a helping hand

Mean eyes hurt me as a child.  I extend forgiveness and eyes of mild

Heart stay soft and don’t get hard.  Rage just causes exhaustion-guard

Relax and trust that life is good.  That all is well and as it should

You are going to make it through.  Step by step you heal anew

Surprising gifts you never knew, will unfold right in front of you

And you will build a brand new home that you can count on as you roam

And tread carefully around the traps, and triggers that have you under wraps

But these are lessons to help you love …yourself and reach for help above

And see your great divinity so you can feel serenity

And these poems they are all for you, to read them when you’re feeling blue

Because angels helped to write them yes, so you can heal and share your success

That happened when you went within and wrote your feelings out with pen

And others have this gift inside, but they never knew to give it a try

Automatic writing yes, it’s wonderful to help distress

You show up and then get out of the way and let the angels have their say

(And it doesn’t have to rhyme …but Roxanne she does that all the time

For rhyming songs it is her gift, so poems come out for her in a jif)

And others too can write anytime, as they learn to trust the hope divine

And they’ll get answers when they ask …questions from their soul unmasked

Private writing not to share, but hopeful words for their own ware

that comes out as a great surprise—they become wiser before their eyes 

if they go back and read their words, their soul will see and get the urge 

to keep on writing words of hope and this will grow and help you cope

Your writing then becomes your friend, who will stick by you through thick and thin

And you’ll feel great each time you write, with intent to express your highest flight

Tap into love that’s being sent and allow yourself to circumvent

Any obstacle that comes in pain, deserves comfort and never shame

Shower words of love on you, As You Imagine Angels Do

They really do so it’s no lie—just ask for help and let out a cry

They respond with so much love but you must ask or they can’t budge

Because freewill keeps them at bay—with your intent invite them to stay

You will see changes in your days—little signs and easier ways

Raising to these high vibrations, you attract more elations

So you see I think you understand, writing will help you transcend

Pain can lead to deeper thought and joy is underneath a lot

Because the truth is we are love—here to help and rise above

You are loved and angels mend.  They wrote this poem with me.  The End.

Original Poem © 2019 Roxanne E. Smith

A New Channeled Angel Message For May 2020–For Empaths, Lightworkers, and All.

Hello Everyone,  Hope everyone is doing well!  Sending you so much love and comfort as we continue to endure this uncertain time.  I am happy to share a new Channeled Angel Message for May 2020. This is a Message from the Archangel Realm lead by Archangel Muriel to support Empaths and Lightworkers channeled through me, Roxanne Smith.  😊 This important group consciousness message came through as one voice from a team of 13 Archangels to give comfort, encouragement, and guidance–The main message is to Find Flow, and Go Slow during the uncertain times we are currently experiencing. Archangel Zadkiel is the new Archangel added to this group consciousness message.  He is the Archangel of Forgiveness, Mercy and Transmutation. Archangel Gabriel was new to the group in the previous message and is included again in this message–He/She is the Archangel of Communication, New Beginnings, and Strength.  So here is the channeled message from my largest group of Archangels so far. The names of all of the Angels and their descriptions are at the end in the signature.

Channeled Angel Message 2020-04-27

Dear beautiful empathic earth angels, we are happy to connect with you today and bring you comfort and encouragement. You may be wondering about what the future holds for you, for the planet, and for your livelihoods. We see your worry about your abilities to make a living in the days ahead.  So much seems up in the air and you feel loss but at the same time excitement because as light workers you trust and remain hopeful that love will find a way. 

Yes, keep your sights on being grateful in the good things in your lives is a way to bridge yourselves to a sense of trust and hope that all will be well for you.  It is time to go within and talk to your guides and angels daily and find comfort and loving support for your unique journey and burgeoning path as it opens before you. You are being guided but you must listen to your deepest innermost feelings as they flow out of your bodies as you heal emotionally from the last remnants of emotional trauma.

This trauma could be from past lives as well and can be difficult to get clarity about but it doesn’t matter—just love the part of you that needs love and protection for the times you were embodied and love was not available to you.  You can give it to yourselves now and heal to a new stronger you.  Archangel Azrael is stepping forward to tell all of you that she is available to call upon whenever you are confused about feelings of grief coming up. She is the archangel of grief, transitions, and losses and can help hold you as you grieve the old and open to new beginnings.

You are held by all of us during these times of emotional turbulence—it can be smoothed out by trusting that allowing flow is the way to go rather than resistance, avoidance and keeping busy. Roxanne for example has injured her left lower back and needs to rest it (sacroiliac joint injury to be exact), she is being required to be still and rest it and this is a lesson for her in that she was not being mindful and so lifted some too heavy items knowing her back muscles were vulnerable but she was in a hurry.  This has manifested as an energetic blockage in her left side which represents the divine feminine gifts that are coming to the fore in her career movement forward. She is now seeing this as an opportunity to clear out the old wounds to step more strongly into her true potential.

So you see all is purposeful if you look at injuries and health issues as opportunities to clear out the old patterns to give birth to new flow in new exciting directions in your life right now.  So we asking all of you to slow down, like to a “snails pace” to you, slower than you feel comfortable at first. But we are here to reassure you that you will see and feel the richness in your new slowed pace as creative projects you had set aside you now have time to devote to or books that you now have time to read because your soul is yearning for these new developments as the next higher steps in your journey as a human here to shine your light on planet earth.

Dear Ones, we are beaming so much unconditional love and comfort on you right now. We hope that you can see it and at least allow yourself to imagine it as beautiful bright pastel colors from the angelic realm as your favorite colors that you resonate with that bring you joy. It can be an exercise in trusting your feelings as your intuition develops to wear colors of clothing or jewelry etc.  each day to lift you up and make you happy.  Colors and uplifting music and healthy wholsome foods that you look forward to are very real ways to uplift your soul during these uncertain times.

Please remember to write out your feelings in a journal anytime you feel stuck to shift you back into connection with your inner guidance and your higher self.  Feel free to ask questions of your higher guidance in your journal and then stop and open yourself to receive the answers while in a quiet space—allow some unpressured time for these answers to come to you.  It could be from your guides, angels, or from your higher self and it may not be clear to you where this wisdom is coming from and that is perfectly fine.  Just allow yourself to be comforted with the quiet state and imagining LOVE as a healing state that is available to all who give themselves this gift.

You who listen to these messages are innately able to access this love and heal yourselves and others as you shine your true essence just by being on the planet.  Take pressure off of yourselves right now to do, do, do and just allow yourselves to be, be, be as much as you can. If work comes easily then yes, absolutely follow that flow. But if it doesn’t then extreme self-compassion and self-love will go far to heal your current state.

We know there is uncertainty about the state of the virus and the next steps for localities to adjust their requirements to prevent the spread. Please be patient and heed cautiously as there could be waves of increase and decrease that come and go. Protecting yourself includes keeping a  healthy immune system and this can be enhanced by always transmuting fear to love and staying in social isolation as long as the virus in still a threat.  The virus is real and you must take all precautions to avoid exposure. 

We leave you now with so much love and caring to continue to cocoon yourselves and allow your imaginations to discover creative pastimes that enrich your creative souls. Goodby until next time, Archangel Muriel and the whole team: 

This group consciousness message as one voice includes 13 Archangels:  AA Muriel (Empaths), AA Gabriel (Communication, Strength, and New Beginnings), AA Ariel (Nature and Animals), AA Azrael (Grief, Loss, and Transitions), AA Jophiel (Creativity and Beauty), AA Chamuel (Comfort), AA Sandalphon (Music and Grounding), AA Raziel (Divine Magic and Alchemy), AA Uriel (Wisdom), AA Michael (Protection), and Mother Mary (Queen of Angels), AA Raphael (Healing), and new to the group consciousness message is AA Zadkiel (AA of Mercy).

Sending you all so much inner peace and love,

Roxanne 😇💖✨ 

If you enjoy this channeled angel message, please contact Roxanne for a personal intuitive angel reading (more info here) or for info on any of her other online services here.


Roxanne Smith is an Empath, an Intuitive Coach and Channel

–specializing in childhood wounds and narcissistic mother recovery–

And she is also an intuitive energy work practitioner.

Her Email:

Are You Comfortably Numb?

Hello Everyone. Are you feeling Comfortably Numb? Are you stuck in a state of mild depression but grateful for all you have so you are doing okay …but you rarely get out of your comfort zone? 🤔😑
I am very familiar with feeling comfortably numb. I spent years in this state and didn’t know it. I realized it when I began writing songs with my guitar as a stay-at-home mom back in the day (2004-ish 🙃). Sometimes I would notice this state when “I wanted to sing but also didn’t want to sing at the same time” and so I wrote songs about feeling this way to move through it. (2 songs that come to mind are “Free To Live” and “Sing Out the Wind”. I will put the lyrics out to these songs in the coming days here as posts.)
Now when it happens to me, on rare occasions, I know just what to do feel vital and motivated again—other tools besides song-writing have developed for me as the roots of the process unfolded in my healing journey and in becoming a professional Intuitive Coach. I am able to shift to a state of self-compassion and listen to my creative inner guidance which always has the exact answers I need in the moment. This “comfortable numbness” is a state which is common for many people but few understand it’s roots and how to move out of it to become creative and flowing with the vitality of the True Higher Self again.
And so I am grateful that I learned years ago how to “uplift my soul” out of this state of being creatively and energetically blocked. Many people are living in a comfortably numb state day in and day out and since they are able to go to their jobs, do their work, and pay their bills, they are not aware that they are actually stuck in a state of being their “false self”. There is so much more within them, a rich inner life of creativity and passions is hidden inside—their true nature is blocked and this blockage is keeping them from feeling satisfied with their lives or feeling vital and healthy.
One way to get things flowing again is through learning tools that support the expression of their repressed emotions and how to release them. This release causes a realization that the deeply hidden false beliefs about themselves can be dissolved and replaced with positivity as one witnesses their hidden truth. One needs to feel very safe and “seen” in order to examine, acknowledge and release these emotions, to get to the truth of the events that lead to the original shut down of the true self that occurred. (Another way to start to get your “flow” going again is through receiving Reiki treatments. 😊🙏)
I can help guide people through various energetic and emotional healing processes because of my own lengthy intensive inner grief work (2003+ 🤔) that resulted in my unblocking my own creativity and true self. Over time and training, I learned the tools necessary to gain access to and actualize my creative gifts as a singer-songwriter, intuitive spiritual counselor, and Certified Reiki holistic therapist. Now I’m helping other sensitive souls to heal their energetic and emotional blockages which unlocks their creative gifts and the true self as well. I feel so blessed to be doing this work that helps others–often it is childhood wounds and trauma at the root of these blockages. I know that it was for me and the inner work hasn’t been easy but it has been so worth it to finally feel Free to be Me! 💃🎶😇
Every sensitive soul who is drawn to reach out for my professional assistance as an Intuitive Coach is unique and I can meet each individual where they are at in their soul’s journey. I can give them the guidance their soul needs the most from providing a safe space for holistic talk-therapy, or energetic Reiki treatments, or intuitive spiritual channeling sessions, or all 3. 😁🙏💜
You can Check Out my website here at (aka and and see if it resonates with YOUR soul (or please Share with someone who may benefit from this post) and/or then
Reach Out to me to schedule a session through Email at I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sending you comfort, caring, and love and light,
Roxanne 🎶💖

Channeled Angel Message For April–12 Archangels–Pandemic Support For Empaths and Lightworkers

Hello Everyone,  I have a new Channeled Angel Message for you from the first half of April. I am a little late getting this out to everyone because I had an injury to my lower back that caused a minor setback but now I am back to my most important work which requires some stress free time to be organized to work on the blog as well as my client work and other obligations. So here is the channeled message from my largest group of Archangels so far. The names of the Angels and their descriptions are at the end in the signature.


Dear Beautiful Sensitive Empathic souls,

We are so happy to be able to come through as one voice for this important message to give you hope and encouragement. These are hard times. But you are well prepared for what’s ahead. Even though you may be in shock about the impact this virus is having on the world you are slowly gathering your strength as to what to do next.  Don’t feel bad if you have been very unproductive and just trying to grasp the situation and get through just the basics of each day. It’s ok to take care of your body’s during this shocking time as the death toll rises. Know that these souls have contracts and free will to return back to heaven at this time. They are returning to so much love and bliss and welcomed home by their soul families.  Please try not to dwell on these deaths and focus on finding inner peace inside yourself and your gifts of a higher perspective and a high vibration and LOVE.

After all everything is love or the absence of love as you know and you also know how to tap into this state to activate your creativity and gifts of healing others. Give yourselves time and trust that you will be guided to your next best steps as you open your hearts to hear your guidance. Be open to your feelings as a guide. Let the tears flow when sadness appears and you will be surprised how quickly feelings will pass as you let them flow.  Think of yourself in constant flowing like a river or a fountain with no end because the source is infinite love. Just like a river runs—where does it start? You have this gift as light workers and empaths to tap into this infinite source of love to give hope and love light, comfort, and inspiration to others and these uplifting things are so needed at this time. 

It is a good time to start shining your true voice of hopefulness to the world on your outlet of choice if you have not already started doing so.  When you feel stuck, writing out your feelings to vent and release the old or the collective energy that you have observed but think it is your own. Negative emotions are never your own. Take that in and think about that.  You innately are an old soul with a very high vibration of love constantly available so when you feel negative emotions you can  simply say, “These are not my feelings, I am going to let them go”, and visualize them going away from you to be transmuted by heaven or mother earth.

We know we’ve said this before but this is a very important and valuable tool for you to get in the habit of using to clear yourself so that you can shine your true light of our love more often and do what you love and came here to do.  This need not be a hard road ahead. For you it will be easier because you have the higher realms to retreat to whenever you want where as other people you know who are still in 3d have chosen not to have that awareness at this time. Send them love at a distance and allow yourself to bask in the hope and love that you feel in the higher realms of meditation or writing or prayers, or listening to videos of others who channel—however you find inner peace and comfort is a wonderful thing. 

Remember you can always call us angels in to help you and give you insights and clarity or relief, or healing when needed. Remember that we cannot help you unless you ask and we’d like you to get in the habit of talking to your guides and us angels daily.  This will help you build a strong intuitive muscle.  Writing out your prayers and writing down the subtle insights you pick up and then reading back on these things can help you learn to trust that the guidance you are picking up is helpful to you. Give it a try—Roxanne was helped so much by the book the Artists Way by Julia Cameron—she followed the book as a guide of how to journal and was able to unblock her creativity and find her writing voice at the age of 42. You can too. We are eager to help you and so excited to give you hope and healing and insights.

We know this is a hard time right now but we hope this message will help you remember that we are here to help you and you have spirit guides that you chose as a soul before you incarnated in this life to guide you and send you messages to help you to fulfill your goals and desires as a soul.

Take some of the pressure off of yourselves right now and know that extreme self care is of utmost importance right now as you are bombarded with negative news and collective fear and despair on a daily basis. Take good care of you by staying very hydrated with lemon water if you can, taking sea salt baths daily, or showers and imagining all negativity going down the drain.  Eat nourishing foods as best you can and stay away from sugar and processed foods. When healthy food is limited, you can send loving healing energy to your food before you eat it to raise it’s vibration by doing reiki on your food through a positive prayer and intention.

Love yourselves, Dear Ones, and take life one day at a time right now.  Be very kind to yourself and keep reactions and triggers to yourself to work through independently as the best way to thrive in close quarters with others.  You have tools that they may not have but these is not a time to teach others or even ask for support because everyone is dealing with their own issues which the pandemic is bringing up to the surface for each human to face. You are a role model to others just by staying calm and having healthy practices of self care.

We leave you now with so much love we are shining down upon you.  You have everything you need to get through this ordeal.  Trust in this and trust that your higher self knew what you were getting into to push your gifts to the fore when the time is right. Be kind and gentle with yourselves and we’ll be back with a new message for you soon. What the world needs now is love sweet love is the song we want to leave you with.

Goodbye for now, Archangel (AA) Muriel, and the whole group.

–This group consciousness message as one voice includes 12 Archangels:

AA Muriel (Empaths), AA Gabriel (Communication, Strength, and New Beginnings), AA Ariel (Nature and Animals), AA Azrael (Grief, Loss, and Transitions), AA Jophiel (Creativity and Beauty), AA Chamuel (Comfort), AA Sandalphon (Music and Grounding), AA Raziel (Divine Magic and Alchemy), AA Uriel (Wisdom), AA Michael (Protection), and Mother Mary (Queen of Angels and who is from the Angelic Realm and is the twin flame to AA Raphael) and AA Raphael (Healing) is included here as well.

This is the first time for the presence of Archangel Gabriel who is the Archangel of Communication, New Beginnings, Strength and Feminine Energy—this timely appearance of AA Gabriel really profoundly resonates as so supportive for me personally as I find myself asking for strength in stepping out in the world with my divine feminine gifts more fully—in my career as an intuitive as well as the other services I have been offering. …AND this is also the first time for Mother Mary to join in on the channeled message although she has begun coming through on Reiki healing sessions with clients for the past couple of months. I am so honored to be able to do this highly sensitive and Divine work from the Angelic Realms.  I am humbled beyond words to do this channeling work.

Sending you all so much inner peace and love,

Roxanne 😇💖✨ 

If you enjoy this channeled angel message, please contact Roxanne for a personal intuitive angel reading (more info here) or for info on any of her other online services here.


Roxanne Smith is an Empath, an Intuitive Channel, a Certified Spiritual Counselor

–specializing in childhood wounds and narcissistic mother recovery–

And she is also a Certified Reiki II Holistic Energy Therapist.

Her Email:

Are You Desiring a Safe Space To Vent Your Deep Emotions and Find Direction and Relief?

Hello Everyone. I hope you are having a good Monday! This virus is bringing up more than just outer struggles about work and socializing, it’s bringing up the necessity to do inner reflection and look at buried beliefs that are keeping people stuck from feeling happy and vital in their lives.

Many people are getting clarity and realizing that they have been numbing themselves out to get by each day. Now they are seeing that they have an opportunity to get more satisfaction out of life by doing some emotional healing. Journaling is a valuable healing tool to help people find their true voice and express their feelings.

A deep satisfaction results from expressing the truth that’s in your soul. If you’d like someone to talk to …to vent to … or to learn how to journal for relief, or just sort out some deep and complex desires for self-actualization and emotional healing, check out my website for more info on a session with me.

Peace and Love,

Roxanne 😇💖

New Hopeful Messages, Services, and Rates for Coronavirus Stress Support!


inner child

Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy and positive as we navigate our new reality of social isolation which is recommended to prevent the rapid spread of the Coronavirus or Covid-19. We are all in this together and I feel especially equipped to do my part to give hope to everyone who could use some uplifting information and tips for navigating our new reality.  So I just posted a new message on my Facebook Community Page called Higher Ground Haven. Here it is:

“Hello Higher Ground Haven Community!  I take great pride in this page and providing a safe haven of positivity to Uplift the Soul! Thank you for being part of this community!! Due to the Coronavirus and the social isolation recommendations I feel it is even more important for me to provide a page that is safe from stress and gives a higher perspective of hope and healing to all. 

So I want to tell everyone that I am committed to helping everyone get through this stressful time with even more positive messages on this page and helpful tips to strengthen your immunity, feel connected with like-minded souls, and some humor as well.  I will be diligent in keeping it free from any stressful news or negativity.

I am also providing Lowered Rates of $1 per minute for Life Coaching Services instead of my usual $88 per hour rate.  Everyone is watching their money right now and everyone has waves of stress that overcome us all at times.  It can be so helpful to have someone to vent to when we are feeling overwhelmed and we don’t want to burden our friends and family with our doubts, fears, and anxiety, and mild depression symptoms.

I am an experienced Emotional Support Coach, with a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Services and Psychology.  I am a Certified Ordained Minister and experienced Spiritual Counselor/Life Coach who has been offering emotional support and guidance to sensitive souls and highly conscious people since my blog took off 10 years ago.  My blog now has over 260,000 views and has attracted many clients who have been helped by my Coaching and Spiritual Counseling Services. Please take a look at my testimonials to see if you resonate and feel my emotional support could be helpful to you or a loved one who is having a hard time.  Here is the link for my testimonials:

Please email me at for the quickest way to get answers to your questions and schedule an session with me.

Or just keep checking in on this page Higher Ground Haven for uplifting, helpful, and hopeful information as we navigate our new reality with the Coronavirus in our midst.

I am sending you comfort, caring, and healing wishes to uplift and strengthen you and your loved ones.  Please share this page to any who may benefit from it’s positive and hopeful messages.”

And so to you as well, Blog Followers, I send you so much comfort and encouragement and healing, immune strengthening energy to brighten your hope and shining spirit that is more contagious than anything!  Please Like and Follow Higher Ground Haven Facebook Page if you’d like to feel connected with me more often and with more news and uplifting posts–that’s where I’ll be posting most for now. Please email me for any session work.  Please see for info about all of my services.  Remember I specialize in Coaching for Empaths and Sensitive Souls with a Narcissistic Parent–Many with childhood wounds are seeing their PTSD flaring up due to deep feelings of unsafety.  I can help!  Please share with any sensitive souls who may benefit from my uniquely sensitive coaching services for those deep, gifted, and highly conscious individuals who may be feeling extra overwhelmed right now.

With love, light, and inner peace,

Roxanne ✌️💖😇

Know that Love is the antidote to fear.

Reblogging a Channeled Message of Higher Perspective and Hope About the Coronavirus:

Johnsmallman's Blog

  Saul audio blog for Saturday March 14th

As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel.  Know that Love is the antidote to fear.  Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives.

Your immune system is individually tailored to suit you, and this is why people, who receive organ transplants or who have to undergo invasive treatments for major diseases, then require to be on various kinds of medications for the rest of their lives, as their immune systems identify what has been implanted as alien and attempt to…

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A World Changed- What do We Need to Do?

Sharing this uplifting post from a good friend of mine as we navigate the Covid-19 situation that is upon us all.  Sending Love and Light to all of you , Roxanne 😇💖✨

Emotional Wellness

Whether or not you are particularly spiritual, oracle cards can be a fun focus for personal development, and more often than not you’ll find yourself pulling out cards randomly and finding that they relate accurately to issues that are currently at play in your life. Many cards come with little books that offer interpretations, but you’ll likely find ideas present themselves to you as you think about the card, or journal out your thoughts.

Like the rest of the world, I’ve recently been drawn in to the media to keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 developments. This morning I really wanted to get my cards out and connect with Spirit to find out why the virus is happening, and how I can help.

There was me expecting that I could offer channeled wisdom for the collective, when Spirit firmly put me in my place with a wink and…

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Unknown Tips About the Benefits of Crying

Hello Everyone! ✨💖✨ Just sharing some tips on emotional healing. Pass this on to friends who may be silently hurting:

*It’s helpful to think of Crying as a healthy release.

*Every time you cry you are releasing and healing something.

*Crying alone can be extremely healing—because most people can’t handle other people crying and so then the other person’s reaction complicates the release process—even well-meaning friends.

*Everyone knows “grieving-crying” is healthy…—for example sometimes the loss being grieved is deeply hidden and confusing like the repressed loss of freedom to be “One’s SELF” in childhood.

*…But even “despairing-crying” is healthy and releasing too! Because it’s been held in sooo long and now it’s finally ready to leave your energetic system. Afterwards imagine it’s a layer of pain gone forever! You healed it! Be kind and gentle to yourself after! Congratulate yourself! It’s scary but you got through it! Be proud of yourself—don’t judge it!

So Remember!:

Crying is ALWAYS Releasing and Healing!

Just don’t let judgement keep it from completing it’s full release. Let it go! Gone! 🥳🎉❣️It always feels better to have a good cry!

Peace and Love,

Roxanne ✌️💖✨

A New Channeled Angel Message–For Awakening Souls Healing Wounds from Childhood or PTSD.

(These messages are to be shared for all who resonate and are open to receiving spiritual guidance.  This includes Empaths, Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Lightworkers, Spiritually Awakening Souls, Earth Angels, and to all Seekers and Open-hearted souls.

Hello Everyone, I have another channeled angel message for you–a message of Hope From the 12th Dimension!–the Angelic Realm. Before I channeled this message I checked in with each of the Archangels to confirm their presence. This group consciousness angel message is from Archangel (AA) Muriel and 7 other angels who join in for the messages. The 8 Archangels are:  Archangel (AA) Muriel (the AA of Empaths), AA Chamuel (Comfort), AA Jophiel (Creativity and Beauty), AA Sandalphon (Grounding and Music), AA Azriel (Supporting Grief, Loss and Transitions), AA Raziel (Divine Magic and Alchemy), AA Uriel (Wisdom), and AA Ariel, (Nature and Animals).

This message will be added my Channeled Angel Messages Page on my blog which has posts of angel messages that I am now posting there weekly or bi-weekly.  There you will find all the other messages from the 6 or more Archangel Guides that I have posted since November, 2018.)

Here is the latest message!:

“Dear Ones, We send you so much love and light to cheer you. You may be feeling weary yet again and you are tired of it. Yes, we see and know you are feeling much pain as it comes up to be healed.  You may feel abandoned and betrayed by life at times but other times you feel the spark and strength inside your soul that is growing in strength.  There is an excitement building as you see that you are stronger than you knew yourself to be and you like what you are seeing. 

Sometimes you can’t see it and feel stuck in density and the negative soup of other’s energies.  You are seeing tools to rise up and out of your triggered states that do not last very long compared to before.  Please give yourselves credit for this.  You may think you are going backwards because you are feeling triggered more frequently but you could not have handled these stresses in the past near as well.  Look at them as opportunities to heal deep scars that have been dormant until now. 

You also are aware that things in your life could be much worse and you know that being grateful shifts you to a state where you can write and meditate and tap into pure love and the angelic realm.  This opens the door to your most creative state of co-creating with your higher self and downloading helpful information and insights to guide you to your next steps in life.  You know that after you ask a question to the highest guides meant for you, it is best to then pull back and be open for the answers rather than try hard to hear.  This takes some time to master and trying auto writing is a good bridge to get to where you feel you are channeling information clearly.  It doesn’t matter if you can hear us and your guides directly but the fact that you believe and know what our unconditional love feels like and that you deserve it and it recharges you and refreshes you to hear these messages then that is a wonderful thing. 

Keep allowing the love in and knowing it is for you, Dear Ones, who resonate with these messages. Because you are here on the planet to learn to tap into your shining light of goodness and light and know it helps others when you share positive, loving energy.  You know you forget how to get into a high vibration sometimes and this is okay because it is just like exercising a muscle, it will get stronger if this is a consistent and even daily tool that you use to cheer yourself up if you ever feel knocked down. 

We send you so much love and hugs.  You may feel our presence when you have endearing memories pop up of when you helped others or your children or co-workers just by listening and having compassion for their feelings.  This is a gift you have that can be overlooked by others as you seem to meld into whoever you are around if you are not consciously creating a mental boundary and shining your light. 

Forgive yourself for not always being the strong shining one overtly.  People always feel better in your presence even when they actually seem grouchier and may even poke at you unknowingly with insensitive words.  You may feel worse after such encounters but realize you have just exchanged energy with the person and they feel better about themselves. This is subtle and many people are not aware.  We are only telling you this so that you will be kinder to yourself and release the energy of others and bounce back to your shiny selves when you are alone in your own energies again. 

You may find you are getting even more sensitive as your light bodies undergo the transformation of ascension that all awakening souls are going through.  Sometimes you feel lonely and other times you feel whole and complete with much to give. This back and forth is a spiral and you are right on track. All light workers and empaths who are awakened to their spirituality are going through this as well and you are not alone.  Reach out for support or to groups if you feel guided but please be discerning about any guidance from others because all souls are complex and other’s experience may not be as high a vibration as the angelic realm information that resonate with your extremely sensitive empathic soul. When it is comforting and loving, nurturing, and soothing and allows you to trust in your own guidance then it is a good fit for you. 

You are learning to trust this good feeling of self-compassion and we are so proud of you. 

We leave you now with hugs and this image of “Love Doves”

in honor of Valentines Day this past month and such holidays of love around the world at this time of year. We send you a giant Valentine Heart that says Be Mine! Lol!

It is good and fun to embrace these positive human traditions if they make you feel good and full of childlike wonder, comfort, and a sense of belonging—Please imagine that we Archangels are all one giant valentine heart of Pure Love and Bliss shining down on you✨💖✨ and we wish you the experience of feeling the LOVE from us all, your soul family. Until next time, AA Muriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Sandalphon, Azriel, Ariel, Raziel, and Uriel.

I hope you enjoyed this message!

Peace and Love,

Roxanne ✌️😇💖✨

On Overcoming Self-doubt: The Story Behind My Songs of Hope and Healing

Hello Everyone! Sharing this Blog Post that was posted exactly 10 years ago… I’m sending comfort, support, and encouragement to all you creative sensitive souls out there who have some self-doubt about sharing your “ART”. Love and Light, Roxanne

Hope and Healing Haven

Hi everyone. I believe there are many, many highly sensitive people (HSPs) out there that are gifted in so many areas but are suffering from self-doubt from their wounds from childhood and by being misunderstood in our society in general.  I want to tell you about how I came to be able to write songs and share them with you in the hopes that this will be helpful or inspire you in some way.  My being able to write songs is a story about overcoming self-doubt and finding and expressing my true self.  It was my songs that helped me uncover the truth of who I really am and what happened to me in my childhood.  The ability to write and sing these songs gave me a connection to something spiritual so that I learned to love myself and stop doubting the gifts and feelings that were within me.   Writing these songs turned…

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Channeled Angel Message and Energy Update–Welcome New Decade 2020! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and New Decade, Everyone! I hope everyone is doing well!  Today I am sharing a new message I channeled from the Archangel Muriel Team–Comfort and Guidance for all empaths, sensitive souls, and lightworkers who are on a spiritual awakening journey and navigating emotional healing.

“Greetings Dear Ones.  Tis a new year and a new Decade!  We hope you have renewed energy for the exciting times ahead and we also know you are a little weary and disappointed because you had high hopes and are experiencing more of the same feelings.  But if you look closely you will see a difference. 

Your highs are higher, with more clarity and freedom and confidence, and the lows come with awareness that they are old layers of old beliefs on the way out of your high vibrating system.  All past dense negative imprints must go so that you can more easily do what you came here to do.  On some level you know this. 

You are strong enough for this challenge.  You can do this!  And we are with you each step of the way.  You can call on us Angels anytime and visualize us as a blanket of comfort or protection or wisdom.  Yes wisdom that sometimes what you are feeling is not even yours and you can say that to yourself to assist in these energies moving away from you and clearing your space so that you can recharge in your own loving energies. 

Ahhh now doesn’t that feel good imagining that?  This is like a muscle that you must practice with exercises often like this:  Imagine you are feeling down and tired and overwhelmed and wondering why and then you get the realization and you say this, “These are not even my feelings.  They are from elsewhere and I just absorbed them and thought they were mine. I am going to let them go.  I release these feelings to be transmuted and dissolved by divine love and light.” 

Imagine the negative energy leaving your protective bubble of your own love energies and never coming back. Poof! Done! What a relief!  You can do this exercise anytime!  We hope this exercise is of great use to you and we are grateful to get you these messages to comfort you through these times of grief for your emotional wounds. 

You of the highest light and vibrations, you sensitive souls with the most empathic gifts, you chose very difficult childhoods in order to replicate some horrendous past life experiences that have been stuck in your incarnations.  Know that this is your lifetime to heal these wounds and scars once and for all and you have planned your lives well and your higher self is guiding you. 

But you must get quiet time alone in order to hear and be able to listen to where you are being guided.  Trust that your life is going as planned even if it feels off track.  Most likely there is something difficult you are moving through without even knowing that you are moving forward but you are. 

Dear ones, you are held and surrounded by our love and support at all times. We can help if you ask us so please always ask.  And use pen and paper to access us better.  Just write your feelings in a free flowing trusting way without much thought and with an intention to release and you will catch wisdom and insights coming through.  You can grow in your intuitive abilities a great deal with this automatic writing process. 

We highly recommend this as you want to connect with us and your guides more often and more accurately. You will also find it helpful to look back at your own writing and see wisdom that will help you in what you are currently struggling with.  This will help spur you forward to write daily to look forward to these magical serendipitous moments of proof that we really are here and we care and we are helping you through life’s challenges. 

Please allow this new decade’s energies to uplift you as a reminder of a fresh start and a clean slate.  Think of freshly sliced lemons and a sparkling clean environment that you can create. You may want to declutter your living spaces to match the newness of the energies when you think of it being a brand new decade with spritely high vibration opportunities around every corner. 

We hope you see that smiles come to you more easily as we see that you have embraced being a human to a higher degree lately.  We see that you have come to see that being a human is a special experience indeed because of the unique blend of beings from other places in the universe that make up the human race. 

You see that there are brilliant humans and not so evolved humans of all extremes and intricacies and you have an opportunity to put your own unique stamp on your experience on the planet in your lifetime.  You are relying less on psychics and healers to tell you what is the right thing for you next and you are trusting that you have some hand in making the experience on earth as amazing as you are. 

You are learning that you can manifest things for yourself when you keep a high vibration.  And when you are not able to be in a high vibration because you are grieving about a loss or hardship, you know you are creating a foundation of great value that will be a platform for you to jump start something new and better than you can even imagine right now. 

Amidst the hardships you are seeing the diamonds in your life that are forming from the pressure underground and you will get to reap these rewards and riches.  Yes, Dear Ones, you are learning to trust and get back to your shining core of love faster than ever before.

Rest when you need it, move your body with exercise when you know it’s time, and shine when the light strikes you. By shining compassion on yourself and others, you will soothe and comfort yourself through the lows and then fly with your wings of sparkling gold light when you feel uplifted to uplift others. 

You are here to shine and you are doing a great job!  We are so proud of you. If you are experience long periods of hard times, please do not numb yourselves out by avoiding your feelings, you will get through it much faster if you allow yourself to cry and vent in a journal for your eyes only—writing will give you the clarity and insights and when you get through it you will have some deep interesting writing to show for it and this will help you to feel accomplished and productive.  Even if it is a private journal it is something very valuable to you that you created—you will grow from reading your own writing as you get a glimmer of who you truly are— your true voice and true self gradually emerge if you keep up this writing daily habit. Writing may not be for everyone but it can be a very useful tool for you gifted empaths who absorb negative energy unknowingly sometimes.  It can help you sort out what is your feelings and what isn’t. 

We want to leave you with some uplifting wisdom, Dear Ones. Music is a gift for you to lift your spirits. Check out what the other brilliant humans are creating and make a playlist of what moves your soul to new heights. Music is healing and it is a gift to help uplift your soul as you navigate life as a human earth angel.

That is all for now Dear Ones, and we look forward to communicating future messages to you through our dear Roxanne.  Goodbye for now. You are loved, Archangel Muriel (The Archangel of Empaths), Archangel Jophiel (Beauty and Creativity), Archangel Chamuel (Comfort), Archangel Raziel (Divine Magic and Alchemy), Archangel Ariel (Nature and Animals), Archangel Sandalphon (Music and Grounding), and Archangel Azriel (Transitions, Grief, and Loss).”

If you like these Channeled Angel Messages, you can go to my new YouTube Channel and please Subscribe so that you will get notifications of when new videos of me sharing these messages come out–because sometimes I am not able to get them typed up and onto this blog right away.

Please Reach Out! 💞–by email at to schedule:

An Akashic Record Reading,

Intuitive Angel Coaching session with Channeled Angel Guidance,

Coaching for HSPs,

Sessions for emotional support and a safe space for healing childhood wounds,

Distance Reiki Energy Healing with Channeled Angel Guidance (for chronic pain and any ailment), (In-person Reiki is available at my office if you are in the Indianapolis area)

Spiritual Counseling mentoring for sensitive souls who are experiencing a spiritual awaking,

Coaching for unblocking your creative gifts and overcoming stagefright.

More info about all services here

Sending you Comfort, Love, and Encouragement,

Roxanne 😇💖✨

Hope and Comfort For Sensitive Souls With Childhood Wounds On New Year’s Eve

It’s New Years Eve. Are you feeling raw and wanting to numb out? If you have childhood wounds, they often come to the surface on holidays and celebration times. So be very very kind to yourself right now. I’m writing this to remind all of you sensitive souls about utilizing your tools of Extreme Self Care right now and for the next few days. Your inner child has unmet needs that are surfacing so you can be kind, patient, and loving to make up for those times from your past or childhood when your needs were not met. Wounds can be healed but not if they are constantly pushed down, ignored, or numbed. Be the loving person in your life that was not there for you when you were wounded. What would the most loving person you can think of do? Your Higher Self would say,

“Put your feet up and let me get you a warm blanket and some hot tea or soup. You deserve to rest because you have worked so hard and life can be so hard at times. We all make mistakes, and that is how we learn. Be kind to yourself for trying. You have done so well with all of your hardships. I am so proud of you. You have so many gifts to offer the world but be patient with yourself. As you heal and get stronger you will be brave to try new things and learn more about how to be happy and free and attract abundance, good health, and healthy relationships. You deserve to have fun. You will find fun coming to you as you learn to love the broken parts that need tender loving care. In time you’ll be ready. Trust that life is good and inside of you are all the answers that you need to be successful in life. Spend some quiet time journaling and tending to your hurt feelings. Take down the wall of protection and heavy armor and know that you are deserving of love and kindness. I see you and I know you and I care. Everything is going to be all right. You are loved. You are exactly the way you are for a good reason. If you just take some time and connect with me daily, you can hear my message of love and support as you navigate life. Now is a good time to heal and get stronger. Put yourself and your feelings at the top of your to do list. I am here for you whenever you need me. I love you and I will always take care of you. You are never alone.”

Your best friend,
Your Higher Self.

Have a wonderful, magical night and celebrate however your heart and soul desires.

Peace and Love,

I Was Lost But Now I’ve Found Me

Hello Everyone!  Happy New Year, Everyone! Happy New Decade! Yay 2020!!! I hope you are doing well.  I hope you find hope in my sharing my journey of feeling lost to feeling found. I understand, I care, and I found ways to heal that perhaps can help you too.


10 years ago today I started this blog!  It was a new beginning for me as the blog helped me to find my voice as a writer; as a coach, mentor, and spiritual counselor for other highly sensitive souls and empaths with childhood wounds; and just …as a person, a soul, a human being on the planet! I did not realize I had started my blog at the beginning of a decade! I did not realize until yesterday how serendipitous and special it is that I started my blog at the beginning of the previous Decade!  Wow exactly 10 years ago! I was 48 then and felt kind of old and yet unaccomplished and green.  I am 58 now and I feel younger than I did at 48 …and in fact younger and happier than when I was in my 30s!  2020 vision and clarity is ahead for us all–a new hopeful path is emerging before our very eyes! I invite you to get out your journal or think back to january 2010 and look at how far you have come.  Please share your healing journey in the comments below  or if you resonate with realizing you started some positive changes or awarenesses in your life in 2010.


one whole decade


I found my true soul’s purpose as a result of writing this blog and an ability to express myself that had long been hidden inside me. When I started I had no idea how importantly the work I did on this blog would impact my life. I remember thinking, if I could just help one other person with what I’ve learned on my journey then this blog would be a success. Such a valuable thing to learn I think because I had low expectations so when the blog gained momentum and had lots of engagement it gave me so much confidence! The success of beginning my career as a life coach on the blog lead me to following my intuition and trusting my own inner guidance at deeper and deeper levels.

I was helping others through sharing my journey through a pen name at first–using my middle name, I was known as Elaine back then. At the height of my coaching career, I then started writing more and more songs, going to open mic nights, met musician friends in my area, and overcame my terrifying fear of singing alone on stage in public. I started performing around Indianapolis and getting paid for it and made an album of original songs that is on all the Worldwide music platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon.

While I deeply loved my blog, my coaching and my clients, my heart was torn in 2 directions. I realized I had to put all my songs under my legal name and until then they had been divided–half were songs about inner child healing under the name of Elaine. When I changed my name on the blog and stopped writing as regularly, the blog audience changed and grew as I changed and grew. Even when I didn’t write for a few years on this blog, the old posts continued to get readers and new followers and I continued to get emails from grateful sensitive souls who felt their childhood wounds had been “seen” and their inner feelings “voiced”.

My journey took a spiritual turn as the intuitive abilities helped me realize many of my songs and blog posts had been “channeled” by me–I realized I was co-creating with the help of my higher self. My soul’s purpose grew to include being an energy healer, and the training and certification I received as a Reiki Practitioner in 2012 was fitting beautifully with my channeling abilities, and I attracted opportunities for office space to do this Reiki work and Intuitive work in Indianapolis. Now, in addition, the music and the Reiki are fitting together as I learn about sound healing and things like Reiki-infused music and music-infused Reiki. It is so amazing to me how life unfolds in ways that amaze but we somehow get glimpses of what could be, yet we don’t know how we can get to our dreams and yet the dreams unfold into yet even better dreams and magical abilities.

We also all have so many unexpected hardships along the way and think we are off track sometimes, but I believe it is these very hardships and side roads that make us stronger–strong enough for the next thing that our higher self has planned for us! The last 2 years have been an upheaval for me, revealing unhealthy patterns in me that I couldn’t see without some shake-ups and re-formulating in some very close relationships.

But it all makes sense now–if you have painful childhood wounds you need to relearn how to bond with people with pure love at the core. I have even more self-compassion for my wounds, even more strength to observe them and release them and grow stronger with each layer of emotional pain from the past that presents itself.

The result is a really strong foundation at my core, an independence and confidence to stand on my own 2 feet, and empowerment that is not codependent on a partner or children, or a role, or achievement in life but in a power of being that is centered, grounded, and wise with knowing that I am worthy of having it all just by being. And that we are all worthy of having it all and I LOVE helping others to get to this same feeling of wholeness and vitality and creative expression.

Whew! What a ride the last 10 years have been! The first 3 years of this blog contain the meatiest, most substantial posts in my opinion so I am going to be reblogging those posts on the day that they were posted 10 years ago as they come up. I will also be posting updates in the present day too interspersed with these older blog posts.

So here is the very first blog post from the first day I signed up for the wordpress site– I was back then just learning to navigate the brand new wordpress world (and with my very first laptop computer too–I was still just learning the computer) at that time–my youngest child was now settled in college.

The first post was lyrics to an original song that expressed the hope I felt at going from “lost” to “found”. Thank you to all of you who follow me and to any of you who have followed me from the very beginning, I am sending you big hugs!!! 💞💞💞I’d love a comment or a hello from you!! Please join me in celebrating my 10 year anniversary of teaching and learning self-compassion through this blog–all the way from Elaine to Roxanne Elaine. I will continue to write here to share my journey to comfort and encourage all who resonate with this community of Hope and Healing. I’m so grateful to all of you who read my blog. Again I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul.

Wishing you a wonderful Happy New Year Celebration!! 🎉🙌 Yay!! It’s 2020!!🤩

A new Beginning for us all.

Party like 1999

Sending you comfort, caring, inner peace, love and light,

and Encouragement to Enjoy Life, and Permission to Party!!

Look how far you’ve come!! 😃💃🕺❣️

Roxanne ✌️😇🎶💖✨


Hope and Healing Haven

My very first post, Dec. 30, 2009: 

I Was Lost But Now I’ve Found Me

Lyrics by Roxanne Smith

I am strong but they can’t see me

I am wise but they can’t hear me

I am kind but they can’t feel me

I was lost but now I’ve found me

I can see the truth in me

I can feel the love in thee

I can have the strength I lost begin again

Your belief in me makes me free


I am sad and you are there to hold me

I am weak and you are there to guide me

I am scared and you are there to love me

I was lost but now I’ve found me

I can be all that I can be

Overcome the fear they gave me

When all I feel is lost and unaware

You are there to say you care


View original post 111 more words

Holiday Help! Tips For Super Self-Compassion and Lavish Self-Love!

Hello Everyone! I’m sending Love and Comfort to everyone who feels emotional pain right now with the holidays approaching. It’s your wounded “inner child” just needing some extra love from …YOU! Take some time to write/journal from your inner child’s perspective—you deserved to be seen and loved and you did not get it!

Now you can give it to yourself! 💞 You are a gifted, sensitive soul! If you need someone to listen and be a witness, hold space for you as you grieve the losses of an unhappy childhood, I can help. Just reach out to But It is not my intention to sell services right now but to just purely give comfort to those who need it!

Please know you are loved from above and you have a guardian angel sending you insights to help you right this minute. Maybe it is your guide that is inspiring me to share this message so that you will see it! 😇 There is so much hope because LOVE heals and you are pure love that’s still learning how to flow. We all are! You are not alone.

I hope that you will feel free to do what makes your soul feel comforted with no apologies. Having a good cry can do wonders to clear it all out if you haven’t allowed yourself this luxury. Permission granted to release all your despairing feelings that have been held inside. I’m always amazed how much better I feel after a good hard cry! It’s always quicker than I think it will be too! What’s life for anyway if we can’t be REAL, right?!

We all need comfort sometimes and some of us need it more than others. Often the most gifted, creative souls feel the most misunderstood and so can’t find the way to share their gifts with the world. Remember the Beatles song HELP—it’s a universal human necessity to reach out for help. We all need help sometimes.

Comforting and guiding those who are doing their inner child healing work is my purpose—through my songs, through my Reiki, and through my session work with clients. I feel so blessed that through my own healing journey I discovered the joy of helping others find their creative flow and wholeness again.

So I am sending you love and wishing you a Holiday that is rich in self-compassion and comfort!! You deserve it! Along with you favorite select food indulgences, take an extra heaping helping of Lavish Self-Love, and Super Self-Compassion—(I know that you are the opposite of selfish in general as you tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own. It’s time for that people-pleasing to stop and for your own healing to go to the top of your to-do list. No more doing things out of obligation that drain your precious energy).  Yes, this message is meant for YOU! ✨😍✨

So in conclusion, I want to tell you that I am thinking of you all and wishing you a Thanksgiving weekend filled with love and all of your favorite things! Think of this blog community as your soul Family who knows and appreciates you best and always will!

Sending heartfelt hugs, lavish love, and warm wishes of caring comfort,

Roxanne 😘💖✨

P.S. Oh I just decided to add this. 😁 Here’s my Thanksgiving Song–Original song entitled “I’m Grateful”. I just released this video of my debut “live” performance of this song yesterday. I hope you enjoy it.  AND below that I’m also including a video of my son and I singing together on a Christmas song that I wrote–it’s silly (and was recorded 5 years ago) but it comes with my (our 😊) deepest love and blessings to cheer up anyone who needs a boost over the holidays. We both still love to watch it.  I hope you do too! (The lyrics to both songs are visible in the description boxes of the videos if you watch them on the YouTube channel–just click the “YouTube” at the bottom of these videos that appears after you press play and it will take you there, then click “show more” under the video to see the lyrics…)

I’d love to hear from you!  Please comment below❣️💫🦋💗😃

A Healing Poem for Sensitive Souls with a Narcissistic Mother on 11-11.

Hello Everyone!  Many sensitive, and empathic souls and clients are having childhood wounds arise to the surface to be healed.  It can be a very painful experience.  It’s also an opportunity to heal and become stronger.  I hope this poem I wrote recently is helpful, uplifting, and supportive. If you resonate, please leave a comment.  Welcome!

YOU WERE NEVER LOVED, MY DEAR (Healing Shame From Childhood Wounds)                By Roxanne Elaine Smith

When you had a narcissistic mom

Where’s the next hit coming from

Not a hit with fist or hand

But words and eyes that punch and land


Devastating to your soul

Nothing solid to take hold

No mirror to see your worth

No smiles and comfort so you search


You search for reasons, blame yourself

Shame and doubt instead of stealth

It robs you of the truth and time

You were sweet and so sublime


You were shining, curious love

Sent to earth from up above

But chose the hardest path to start

A childhood starved from feeling part


Everywhere you reached was blocked

So you gave up and heart was locked

Trust too much or not enough

Attracting all similar stuff


Until you realize the pattern here

You were never loved, my dear

Start from scratch and loving you

Oh it is so hard to do


At first because the triggers are

Relieving painful trauma jars

Shocking you right to your core

“How did I survive Oh Lord”


You didn’t! No you gave up YOU

And turned into a mask not true

Obedient and needy so

People-please and perfection oh


Trying oh so many things

Until your true voice finally sings

But shame comes up with every truth

The pattern hidden from your youth


Every time you were you, you were shamed

Have to get YOU back again

Ignore the shame and keep on moving

Rise above shame and keep on grooving


Yell at shame, you are not mine

Dance out shame, I am just fine

Shame keeps coming every time

Hiding doesn’t heal the crime


Only way is to see the child

Inside the parents who went wild

Spilling out their pain on you

Everything it was not true


You were perfect whole and right

Their fear and anguish like a blight

They felt safe because of you

Your light it was so bright it’s true


Not fair of course you deserved the world

You knew that you could heal and unfurl

Figure it all out you would

And love yourself just as you should


And finally learn strong boundaries

And attract those loving hercules

Those strong people, inner strength

Like you they’ve been put up to the brink


The death of soul and now awake

They search for tribes to quell and quake

Masterful and sensitive

They forgive and give and give and give


And you know you are one of them

And renewed hope on journey stems

Trying listening within

Trusting that love is what went dim


Self compassion is your chore

As shame returns with each great score

Reducing size or is it growing

Heal emotions and new knowing


Center, grounding, peace of mind

Solid forming, still maligned

Defensiveness and anger flare

But forgiving quicker in thin air


Believing in the moment’s peace

That’s the truth not all the fleece

Still confusing childhood wounds

Where’s the love-so many moods


Why the deep and painful purge

Feel relief when follow urge

Writing helps you flow it out

The truth is innocence about


All of it you chose but why

More than you can fathom, sigh

Others seem to simply thrive

Private hell they do deny


Good to have access to love

Reach for heaven up above

But also know you are whole and kind

Lovely you, you shine, shine, shine


Then loved ones blame—it all comes back

Another painful self attack

Oh the grief you must allow

The child must cry it out oh wow


Will the tears they ever stop

When your happy bubble popped

Self-reliant muscle test

You are getting strongest yet


See yourself that child hugged

Held and cherished sweetest mug

Smiles and happy to see you

Healing all that you’ve been through


It’s okay to cry a lot

Over things that most forgot

Disappointment to your core

Life goes on with all the sores


Want them all to go away

Triggers say hello today

Do not put it all on you!

Bask in love all the day through


When you find a sea of pain

That is someone else’s train

Let them drive on their own track

Do not let them take a snack


Send them love and move along

You know how you are so strong

You do so much for others

Time to be your own best mother


Nurture, comfort, love your soul

You are here to Rock n Roll

Everything is now alright

You are purely Love and Light

Original Poem © Roxanne E. Smith

With deep caring, comfort, and compassion,

Roxanne 😇💖✨

P.S. See more healing poems and writings here

High Expectations? New Tools For Sensitive Souls’ Healing Journeys.

Hello Everyone!  I haven’t written for a while because I’ve been so busy just observing this emotional roller coaster ride of the last couple months—it’s been hard to put into words!  It has propelled me into journaling more to get clarity and as always when I write I am able to access a higher perspective of “what the heck is going on now”! 😳🙏😆Haha! I’ve learned a few things and so I feel ready to share some of the positive things to give all of you sensitive souls on this spiritual journey a boost to feel better about EVERYTHING!

What a roller coaster ride!  By this I mean Ups and Downs and Curves and Surprises and Shocks! Can you relate? But at the end of a roller coaster ride at an amusement park, the end of the ride comes with a slowing down and a smooth safe feeling until it comes to a stop and you get off and everyone is all smiles and Gee that was fun.  Well, in general I mean haha, and only because you knew it was temporary—it was a ride you took by choice and it was a safe way to experience a thrill and know it would be over soon.  

Compare that to this incarnation of life on this planet. As sensitive souls, we are highly evolved divine beings here to help, but we have expectations of smooth sailing and love and abundance. I really think it is these expectations that contribute to us getting stuck in the lows on the roller coaster that we experience.  

All of this is coming up for me to talk about I believe because of this last full moon on October 13-yesterday!  If you are like me you may have noticed that you are very sensitive to cosmic changes to the planet and Full Moons and New Moons etc..  I am not very educated in astrology but I find myself searching for YouTube videos to explain what’s going on cosmically at certain times when I’m feeling out of balance and sure enough it is a full moon or a solar flare or something like this causing our distress and it all resonates and gives a sense of relief.  

I get some reassurance from the information I watch or read from elsewhere but often times I am searching and don’t find what I need to feel inner peace—then I am forced to write and then I realize as I connect to my higher self, my inner wisdom, my spirit team, my angels, the Universe, God, whatever you want to call “IT”.

I am then reminded that all my answers for my own inner peace can be found “within”.  I know this but why do I keep forgetting it?  Looking for outside validation has been ingrained in us as humans on this planet and we all feel this—trying to fit in and feel understood by other humans—wanting a tribe or even one other person who understands us and makes us feel reassured and comforted that we are OKAY and that what we are feeling is OKAY and that there is hope and that everything is going to be OKAY.

This neediness we feel is understandable—as highly sensitive, compassionate, evolved souls we are awakening spiritually but we are straddling 2 worlds. We are trying to make it in the 3D world and pay our bills etc. and also looking at the higher perspective of the 5D spiritual world for deeper meaning and understanding of why we are here, keeping our vibration high, and living in the moment to access the unconditional love that we have resonated with as Yes, This is it! All is well! We want that feeling everyday, all the time, every morning when we wake up.

But what I am understanding is, when we wake up in the morning with horrible dread and feeling bad about being here on the planet we need to observe this as information and not as our current truth.  As divine beings, we have often been astral traveling in our sleep. We love to be in the higher angelic realms where we are from evidently—it’s all Love and Light there all the time! 😇 😁 So when we come back into our bodies and wake up as a human on the planet, the densest negative energies, often from our childhoods or possibly past lives come up to the surface so that we can see that these energies are there and are just ready to be “released”. 

We are strong and powerful divine beings with love and light as our true nature but when we were born we didn’t know this so these wounded parts of ourselves are taking longer to heal then we “expected”. If you had a narcissistic parent then you were unloved and had unmet needs day in and day out for years and years and so you have many layers of of small hurts and false beliefs about yourself that need reparented and comforted one by one. That may be discouraging to hear that it is going to take longer to heal than you expected but here is the good news.  If you observe the big bad emotion you wake up with as just “information” about your past rather than your present truth you can transmute it in minutes!  

First, describe the feeling and label it!  What is this? Is it shame, dread, hopelessness, anxiety? Then you do the opposite of avoiding it, or believing it, or numbing it out by keeping busy—you go towards it and you write about it in your journal and you have compassion for yourself about it. 

Or if you are already versed in this healing process you go right to a positive affirmation to retrain the neurons in your brain to go a more positive route.  You recognize this bad feeling is your inner critic and not the truth.  It is your survival “false” self that absorbed the bad feelings from others around you not knowing they weren’t your feelings.  After all you were just a tiny child and had to believe what you were being “fed” to survive and to get along with your caretakers who didn’t SEE you for the gifted soul you were.

Most of you know this but if you are like me right now you are still surprised that you are still dealing with these long healed issues—especially in the last few months.  It is my understanding that the last remnants of these layers are possibly the most painful and most deeply ingrained and you are strong enough now to finally look at them, acknowledge that it was even worse than you thought.  So give yourself even more kindness, compassion and comforting reparenting than you ever have before. Extreme extreme self care (double extreme 😃) is in order whenever you wake up feeling bad!!  Be nicer to yourself instead of harder to yourself.  After all isn’t that what your narcissistic parent or bully said to you when they ran out of patience with you—they said “what’s wrong with you—why aren’t you over this yet—you should be feeling better by now—you are not doing as well as you thought”.  See? These things you say to yourself are judgements you are making just like bullies or abusers did which is the opposite of the unconditional love and comfort you deserved back then and deserve now.  

Sometimes it isn’t until we get out of our heads and start writing onto paper that we are even realizing we are beating ourselves up just like “they” did (if you had caretakers who maybe even did the best they could but were needy themselves so they didn’t have the patience that you needed as a highly sensitive soul who was sensitive for a very good reason.)

So now it is up to you. To KNOW you are pure love and light and when you wake up feeling bad you are to lovingly cleaning away the false residue, the past debris, that is covering up your beautiful brilliant lamp of love and light. You now have some more tools in your toolbox to lift yourself back up to where you belong.

Joy is your birthright and you are doing a great job figuring out how to shine what is rightfully yours every moment that you can. Be nicer to yourself when you feel bad not harder on yourself. You are training your brain to go positive quicker and quicker when you get better and better at replacing the doubts negative core beliefs with positive affirmations.  You can do it!  You are pure love and light.

Being a human is extremely complex!  Be patient with this healing journey that you are on!  You may be a sensitive soul who seeks safety and inner peace but you are also a tough warrior with new boundaries to take on this challenge of transmuting darkness into light on planet earth.  You chose to come here because you knew you could be successful at finding your true voice and true self and shining your true light.

Just being here on the planet you emanate this light and love energy and it uplifts others who need it. You are making a difference just by being here. So relax and be patient with yourself. It takes time and there is plenty of time for all the things you want to do. Self-compassion and self-care is always time well spent.  

Sensitive souls, I am so glad you are here on the planet with me. You make the planet a wonderful place to be. If we join forces we can move mountains. Thanks for reading and please reach out if you’d like one-on-one coaching.  My email is Sometimes just having someone to see us and listen to our feelings with understanding can be so healing.  I also offer distance Reiki and intuitive guidance during sessions as well—you design the sessions the way your heart desires. 

I’m adding a link to my latest YouTube Video here of a recent performance of my original song, We Are Here To Love. The lyrics to this song just flowed out of me from beginning to end with no changes—it was magical. I feel now is the perfect time to share these lyrics with you.

Lyrics: -We Are Here To Love-

Trudging through the past debris, finding sparks of light

Holding onto highest hopes, knowing love is right

Seeing through the doubters’ eyes, knowing those above

Want us to believe and know, time is made for love

Chorus: We are here to love, We can fly with wings of time

When we feel the past, We must rise above and shine

We must rise above and shine, We must rise above and shine


Reminded who we are by pushing past the ego’s call

Kindness to ourselves is all we need to break the wall

Pieces still fall down on us, don’t misunderstand

Keep the rays of light around and hold each other’s hand

Chorus: We are here to love…

Verse not included in this video performance:

(Power from the latest move unearth’s a tender spot

Confusing inner child takes stage, plays out what we forgot

Kindness is in order now soothing wounds so raw

New aliveness, strength abounds, braving what we saw

Chorus:.. We Are Here to…)

Bridge: Learning to be still and yet, adversity remains

But even when we think we’ve stalled, we’ve unraveled many chains

Working hard it seems we have not played to really live

But underneath we somehow gain renewed hearts to give

Chorus: We are here to love…

Have faith and know that even in the hardest grief of times

You are loved and cheered about, so take in all the signs

Relish in the life you have, grateful for the rest

All will see the loveliness, you are a force for goodness

Chorus: We are here to love… You must rise above and shine… shine… shine You must rise above and shine. (slow end)

Original Song © Roxanne E. Smith


Until next time, With Love and Light,

Roxanne ✌️🙏💖✨